
ARTIST | Leesette Turner

BASED IN | South Africa

TITLE | Dreams & Stars

SIZE | 175 x 569 mm

In the realm where dreams and stars onverge, this piece explores the ethereal connection between the boundless wonders of the sky and the mysterious landscapes of our subconscious minds.

Like celestial bodies suspended in the vast expanse of space, dreams embody a sense of infinite possibility. In this piece, Leesette invites viewers to embark on a visual journey that blurs the boundaries between the tangible and the intangible, the earthly and the cosmic. An invitation to a dreamscape where imagination takes flight.

Each brushstroke is a whispered wish, a fragment of a reverie, suspended in the cosmic dance. I aim to evoke a sense of wonder and introspection, encouraging viewers to reflect on the profound interconnectivity of the universe and our innermost thoughts. The merging of dreams and stars becomes a metaphor for the universal human experience, where aspirations become constellations lighting our path through the vast unknown.

MEDIUM | Gouache on paper

STARTING BID (Prices are in USD) | 50


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About the Artist


Leesette Turner is a calligraphy coach, teacher, and lettering artist in Cape Town. Leesette is endlessly fascinated by all things script – Asian, Arabic, African, Asemic, Roman – the underlying traditions and history, how letters become visual images and our relationship with text. Her philosophy is to have fun using letters as a form of abstract self-expression and not necessarily requiring perfection. Neugebauer’s statement embodies her sentiments: “The scribe is subject to a rhythm that comes from his pulse, from the movement of his blood. A special kind of cardiogram, flowing and ebbing, a translation of invisible mental states into the visible.” A member of the Cape Friends of Calligraphy, Leesette’s works have been exhibited locally and internationally, and her work appears in several international collections.