NATALIA ACHINO | A Period of Quiescence (I)


ARTIST | Natalia Achino

BASED IN | Australia, Perth

TITLE | A Period of Quiescence (I)

SIZE | 520 x 715 mm

AThis artwork represents my life before being an artist. During this time, I was cultivating my emotional sustenance and building my character. I started to write the narrative of my life.

"Beneath the surface, in ways I could not see or imagine, I was being moulded, nourished and prepared; growing the bones of my inner garden."

MEDIUM | Pastels

PRICE | Not for sale.

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About the artist


Natalia Achino is a painter, calligrapher and tutor based in Perth, Western Australia. After a long career in teaching languages, Natalia started her calligraphy journey with Gaye Godfrey-Nicholls in 2016 and studied with many international artists. Her work is a constant experimentation with different mediums, seeking to capture in new ways timeless moments of beauty inspired by nature and the passage of time. Calligraphy, paint making, illumination and gilding are among her primary areas of interest.